It’s Time for Your Spring Mortgage Checkup

Spring’ s finally here! This bright new season typically brings with it a sense of rejuvenation and motivation. If you’re like most people, you’ll likely undertake a spring cleaning of your home after it has been closed up all winter. But, did you know that it’s just...
Your Work Makes You Happier Than You Think

Your Work Makes You Happier Than You Think

While we may think we dislike our work, research shows we’re considerably less happy doing nothing. The great paradox of working for a living, according to a recent longread by Derek Thompson for The Atlantic, is “that while many people hate their jobs, they are...
Reasons You Might Need an Emergency Fund

Reasons You Might Need an Emergency Fund

You’ve heard the horror stories: basement floods gone wrong, cars that randomly stop running, or a pal suddenly losing their job. Perhaps you’re the type of person who thinks “that will never happen to me!” when hearing one of these stories, but the cold reality is...
Top Dollar: How High Can You Go?

Top Dollar: How High Can You Go?

Affordability is a major concern for today’s aspiring first-time homebuyers. In hot real estate markets like the Greater Toronto and Greater Vancouver regions, however, the desire for affordability can be challenged by the competitive fervour caused by escalating...