by Ana Costa | Jan 16, 2019 | Blog, Homeownership
A lot of people get into hot water when they assume that because they’ve qualified for a mortgage in the past, they will qualify for a mortgage in the future. This article has one point to make and it’s this: Don’t assume anything when dealing with...
by Ana Costa | Jan 9, 2019 | Announcements, Blog, Mortgage
The Bank of Canada today maintained its target for the overnight rate at 1 ¾ per cent. The Bank Rate is correspondingly 2 per cent and the deposit rate is 1 ½ per cent. The global economic expansion continues to moderate, with growth forecast to slow to 3.4 per cent...
by Ana Costa | Jan 2, 2019 | Blog, Mortgage
A home is the largest purchase most people will make in their lives. That should reinforce the importance of planning ahead, doing your research, relying on the advice of experts and not rushing through the process. With nearly 700,000 homes purchased in Canada each...
by Ana Costa | Dec 19, 2018 | Blog
Recently the good people over at Nest Wealth published an article called “The Worst Money Advice We’ve Ever Heard”. On the list was “Always keep a small balance on your credit card”. What they have to say on the subject is spot on:...
by Ana Costa | Dec 12, 2018 | Blog, Homeownership
Mortgages are a funny thing. On the one hand they allow you to become a home owner without saving up enough money to purchase the home outright, which is a really good thing. On the other hand, even at today’s really low interest rates, as they are amortized...
by Ana Costa | Dec 5, 2018 | Announcements, Blog, Mortgage
The Bank of Canada today maintained its target for the overnight rate at 1 ¾ per cent. The Bank Rate is correspondingly 2 per cent and the deposit rate is 1 ½ per cent. The global economic expansion is moderating largely as expected, but signs are emerging that trade...